Sunday, March 29, 2009

On Saturday I took the boys to see Monsters vs Aliens in 3D, and if you haven't seen a movie in 3D you should definitely try it! It was so much fun!! The kids LOVED it!! Especially Seth! Connor, however, wanted nothing to do with the 3D glasses! I tried to get him to wear them and he just kept saying "no mommy" and telling me "shhh..." so he watched the whole thing without the glasses. I am always a little nervous taking the boys to see a movie, because as most of you know, my boys can get a little rambunctious!! ; ) But they were soooo good!!! They both sat through the whole movie! (and for Connor that is quite the accomplishment!!) I was so proud of both of them...they are getting so big!! I also got my mom to go with us, and she loved the movie too! I was so happy that she came!! Then after the movie we went out to my parents house and rode four wheelers, until we got too cold!! Then on the way home last night, Seth said, "mom, your the best mom ever!" Which pretty much made my day! = )


Nikki said...

I thought this movie looked really cute so I guess I am going to have to see it now! Glad the boys had a good time.

{ Lana Cox } said...

AWWWW, I love that last comment he made. How sweet. I'll have to take Devan to that movie, I bet he'd love it.

Lacey and Zach said...

That movie looks really good. I have been wanting to take Karter to it. That is so good that you do those things with your kids! They love you so much!