Sunday, October 19, 2008


These are the pictures of the boys and i making dried apples. They had so much fun helping! Seth would peel the apples and i cored them and they Connor got to turn on the food processor (with mommys help of course!). It was so funny because almost as fast as i was putting them on the trays Connor and Lexie were taking them off and eating them!! So i finally had to tell Connor to help mommy put them on the tray, they were cut in round slices and i would cut them in half and put them on the trays. Well Connor couldn't quite figure out how i was doing it, so he would just take a bite out of the slice and then put it on the tray!! It was so funny!! so i just had to take pictures of Connor's apples!!


Broc and Sam McArthur said...

ha ha...That was so funny!

Fyfe Family said...

Ya, good luck on fam pictures! Hopefully the weather will be good. That was half our problem. I hope you post them so I can see them!

Jess said...

Mandy, its been forever since beauty school! Your boys are cuties and getting so big. So are you doing hair at all? Right now I am lucky to just stay home with my girls, they keep me plenty busy. You look great, let me know how your doing.
Jess Moore