Monday, August 18, 2008

Connor's 3 years old!!

Well i haven't posted anything for a while, we have been super busy! Connor turned 3 years old on August 9th!! I can't believe how big he is getting!! He got to have his birthday party at our family reunion and he had a blast!! After every present he opened he would say "mommy mine" it was so cute. He couldn't believe that they were all his! He is going to be starting preschool on the 29th and he is so excited! I am sure he will have so much fun, he loves to play and meet new people. I think it will also help alot with his speech problems. He is still going to speech twice a week and he is starting to talk alot more, i love it!

1 comment:

Broc and Sam McArthur said...

Cute...I can't believe our bug is 3!